Scrolling to Shopping: How Social Media Shapes Consumer Behaviour

At least 27% of people check their social media accounts as soon as they wake up, showing that it's practically impossible to avoid social media these days. These platforms are among the most popular influences on our thoughts, emotions, behaviours, and buying habits. The influence of social media isn’t limited to advertising, it lies in how different dynamics shape the way users decide what to spend on.

Influence on consumer mindset

1. Build brand loyalty, which provides a competitive advantage: In 2023, there were approximately 4.9 billion social media users worldwide. The average user spends 145 minutes on social media every day, this signifies that social media allows users to constantly interact and engage with consumers. This constant engagement fosters brand loyalty, providing a competitive edge by offering answers and solutions whenever consumers need them.

2. Reviews and Stories: Upon scrolling through, the variables are very user-controlled. Advertisers do not have full control of the decisions made through acquiring knowledge but because of the opportunity to make comments or search for reviews or opinions without having a purchase. Dependence on social media can become a double-edged sword for businesses.

3. Tell customers what they want and how to buy it: Social media's reach extends beyond connection, as it's also influencing our shopping habits. Studies reveal that more than 70-80% of consumers resort to social media for guidance on purchasing that makes an incomplete shopping decision into the final purchase because of the influence of viewing other comments and images, among other forms of social media used.

Influence on emotions

1. Dopamine Rush: The addictive nature of social media activates the brain's reward centre by releasing dopamine. This is a "feel-good” chemical linked to pleasurable activities that significantly impact users’ impulse buying and these materialistic traits will strengthen the impact on spontaneous purchases.

2. Fear of missing out (FOMO): Scroll through and review your friends' new products or activities. One common fear felt while scrolling through the platform is the fear of missing out which elevates the decision to purchase faster. In a recent study, it was shown that Facebook contributes to people’s FOMO the most (72%), followed by Instagram (14%), Twitter (11%), and Pinterest (8%) which is quite concerning.

Gaining Credibility for User-Generated Content (UGC)

User-generated content can serve as an extremely strong instrument for a brand to build consumer trust and greatly influence their behaviour, particularly in the era of digital marketing. When a prospective customer sees actual people using and enjoying the product, there is trust and credibility wrought into the brand.

Building trust and influencing buyer choices: 79% by and large agree that UGC has an exceedingly wider impact on buyer choice, while 70% assert online peer reviews and ratings hold much more trust than writing from a professional.

What such successfully waged instances tell us about UGC: Those brands that successfully tie in influencers to achieve those experiences stand a chance of harnessing phenomenal rewards in terms of brand awareness and loyalty.


Social media is a powerful catalyst for change in consumer behaviour, influencing purchase decisions, emotional responses, and even behavioural patterns. By understanding how social media shapes consumer actions—through brand loyalty, reviews, FOMO, and UGC—brands can design content and campaigns that resonate with their audience. Businesses that leverage these insights will be able to meet customer needs effectively while maximising engagement and coverage across their target market.


The data and insights presented in this blog have been derived from the following sources:

Blog by:- Suyash Chandna

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  1. Replies
    1. I am elated to see that you found it informative.

  2. I recently purchased some items after being constantly exposed to ads on social media and looking at customer reviews, and reading this blog made me realise how much of my buy was influenced by social media. A very insightful read indeed.
